These are MP endeavors from partners.

Apostolic Youth Corps
Apostolic Youth Corps is one of the missions focused ministries of the UPCI Youth Ministries. AYC facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Pentecostal youth with North American and global destinations which need and desire evangelism assistance. AYC provides evangelism opportunities for various durations ranging from 8-12 days. Applicants must be 16 years old for involvement in North American trips and 17 years old for involvement in global trips. Participants will partner with Global Missions, Global Campus Ministry, North American Missions, Metro Evangelism, and/or Multi-Cultural Ministry. The budget for trips ranges from $1,000 to $4,200.
For more information visit the Apostolic Youth Corps website.

Associates in Missions
Associates in Missions is a Global Missions entry level of appointment designed to encourage and coordinate the practical and beneficial involvement of dedicated persons (both ministers and laymen) as Associates working in harmony with fully-appointed missionaries or national churches on a short term or continuing basis. It may involve those with spiritual ministries such as preachers and Bible teachers or those with secular skills in business, construction, teaching, literature, and so forth. An AIM appointment is for a minimum of two months up to one year and can be extended indefinitely.
For more information please visit the AIM website.

Children’s Crusade Associate
UPCI Children’s Ministries does annual Global Children’s Holy Ghost Crusades in different nations! These Crusades are designed to teach, train and help children around the world to receive the truth and the Acts 2:38 salvation. Helpers in this program will be involved in global travel and great experience in teaching, altar training with direct experience with Missionaries & the Crusade team. There is often some sight-seeing & a special chance to help the Missionaries. The length of stay will be 7-14 days and passports are required.
This could be your opportunity to explore the cultures of the world! Children around the world are awaiting your visit & they are looking forward to a hug from you. Make Children’s Global HG Crusades with UPCI Children’s Ministries your choice!
For more information please visit the UPCI Children’s Ministries website.

Compassion Services International
The goal of CSi is to come alongside our missionary partners and offer help and hope in the name of Jesus. Our medical volunteers help to promote overall health and wellness. CSi medical missions allows Apostolic professionals the opportunity to use their professional skills while opening the door for the gospel to be shared.

Missouri Youth on Missions
Missouri Youth on Missions (MO-YOM) is operated through the Missouri Youth Department of the UPCI with the goal of connecting people to the mission of the church on a global level. This program has successfully connected students and young adults to the mission field since 2006 and has seen many great testimonies from it. Travelers are plugged into various areas of ministry during these trips and many have entered into ministry roles, some even finding themselves working on the mission field.
MO Youth on Missions works directly with UPCI missionaries and churches as God allows us to assist these works. While this is program is operated through the Missouri District, applications can be submitted from anyone meeting the traveler requirements.
More information about MO-YOM and trip applications can be found by visiting
Contact the MO-YOM Coordinator, Rev Randall Lee, by emailing rlee@moyouth.com.

INITI8 is a Short Term Missions program from North American Missions that will allow you to initiate and further develop your call and mission in life. You will have the chance to spend 8 weeks working with Church Planters and receiving practical training to make you more effective in the Kingdom of God!
For more information visit the North American Missions INITI8 website.

Next Steps
Described by many as the bridge between AYC and AIM, Next Steps is an 8-week intensive summer program with 3 weeks of training and 5 weeks of apprenticing to be a missionary. It is designed to recruit and train NEXT GEN missionaries; to confirm who they are in Christ and give them the necessary training and ministry opportunities to advance further into missions involvement. Each assignment is strategically selected with locations changing annually. Must be 18 years or older at time of departure.
For more information please visit the Next Steps website.

Youth on Missions
Youth On Missions has been a UPCI District-driven Missions Trip Program for young people for over 30 years. We believe in involving young people and exposing them to the harvest. Many young people who have gone on Youth on Missions have become missionaries, pastors, evangelists, etc. We partner with UPCI missionaries and National Leaders to select our countries of destination. Our trips are in the month of June and they last 11 days. Participants must be 16 years old and up to participate. Our teams are many times over 100 young people full of zeal and fire for reaching their world.
You can find all the information for our upcoming trips and online application on our website: www.youthonmissions.com