Children’s Crusade Associate

UPCI Children’s Ministries does annual Global Children’s Holy Ghost Crusades in different nations! These Crusades are designed to teach, train and help children around the world to receive the truth and the Acts 2:38 salvation. Helpers in this program will be involved in global travel and great experience in teaching, altar training with direct experience with Missionaries & the Crusade team. There is often some sight-seeing & a special chance to help the Missionaries. The length of stay will be 7-14 days and passports are required.

This could be your opportunity to explore the cultures of the world! Children around the world are awaiting your visit & they are looking forward to a hug from you. Make Children’s Global HG Crusades with UPCI Children’s Ministries your choice!

For more information please visit the UPCI Children’s Ministries website.

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