Taryn Tsinnie for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $3,950
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $182.28
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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Hello everyone! My name is Taryn Tsinnie, I am from Farmington, New Mexico. It is a tremendous blessing to be able to have the opportunity to attend an AYC Missions trip this year to the Samoan Islands on August 4th-14th, 2023. Attending a missions trip has been a great burden of mine the past few years, I did not have the chance prior but 2023 is the year. As I have experienced life lessons and matured more into a young adult, my prayer is constantly to be a vessel for God to use. I love to get involved and be involved in anyway I can with my local church. I am very passionate about all of the ministries that I am involved in at my church, which consists of, cleaning the church weekly, singing on the English and Spanish praise team, marketing/photo booth team, help with the youth group as a Hyphen helper. I believe that going on an AYC trip is truly a once in a life-time type of ministry opportunity.
From speaking to others about their experience who are currently in missions, or have attended a missions trip I am confident that serving in the Samoan Islands would allow me to grow greatly by lengthening my personal and spiritual capacity. For this specific trip, each person attending will get to experience serving the local victim’s society where we will minister to young children who have been physically, emotionally and mentally abused. We will be able to help show God’s love through us as his vessel to hungry souls.
In Matthew 4:14 KJV it says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” My burden and call is to be a worker in God’s kingdom, to love souls like he loves us, to reach the lost, to help the broken and hurting, to be like Christ. We are called to be messengers, and I am answering God’s call – TO GO.
I would love for you to partner with me, whether it would be financially or praying with/for me and the other attendees as well. Every prayer and dollar counts toward this trip, if you feel led to pray or give it will be a huge blessing! I will be fundraising through bake sales and navajo taco sales to help fundraise for upcoming payments that will be going toward this trip. Being sponsored will be a tremendous help with my endeavors. I pray that you are blessed by being a blessing to my AYC trip. Thank you so very much, and God bless! I can’t wait to share my journey during and after my trip!

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