Jackson Brooks for NAM INITI8

Started On
Target Goal $13,000
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $107.97
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor

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Hello everyone! For about 6 years, Alyssa and I have known that church planting was in our future. Over the past few months, the Lord has been directing us to take a step of faith. Our leadership has encouraged us and we have applied and have been accepted into a missions training program through the UPCI North American Missions department.

Initi8 is an eight week Short Term Missions program that combines classroom style teaching with hands-on experience in order to provide future church planters with the tools needed to move forward in their calling. While attending this program, we will gain valuable knowledge from veteran church planters from all over North America. During two weeks of intense classroom style courses, we will study a wide range of topics, including Ethics in Church Planting, Discipleship, Church Administration, and much more. We will also minister in church plants for six weeks alongside other young ministers, serving the community and reaching Tampa area families. 

We are taking a leap of faith, and we ask for your prayers and financial support as we seek God’s will for our lives! We know this program is not possible without your support as our family, church family, and friends. 

Your Mission Possible donation directly funds our Tuition ($6,500 per person) for this program. For more information, visit missionpossibleupci.com.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support!

Jackson and Alyssa Brooks

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