Colton Sullivan for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,000
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $1700
Funds Remaining $391.27
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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In the book of Matthew Jesus gave us what is known as the Great Commission. This commission was to take the gospel to the whole world and not just Jerusalem. The church, these four walls and this local communitiy is our Jerusalem, and we are already making efforts to get the gospel to as many people as we can. Because this gospel is for the whole world and not just the community we cannot forget that there are souls overseas as well, with that said I fully intend to go into the missions field. More than just the great commission being my motivation I know what it is to need a Savior, to have a need, and to have that need met, to have been in a dark place and to have that darkness replaced with light. With all that we see and hear on the news and on the radio it is no hidden fact there is a lot of hurt and a lot of darkness in this world but Jesus is the light, He is the one that is the father to the fatherless, a healer of the sick, a comforter to the hurting, a defender of those who are abandoned and accused. Because I know from personal experience who Jesus is and what it is to walk the broad path which leads to destruction, it is my duty and my desire to introduce folks to this Jesus.

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