Campaigns by Leah Mauro

These are this individual's Mission Possible campaign(s).

Hello! My name is Leah Mauro, and I am 14 years old. In July, I will be going to Long Beach, California to share the word about Jesus as part of an Apostolic Youth Corps Mission Trip. I'm blessed to have this opportunity to reach out and minister to people in need. AYC is a mission to provide opportunities for young people, and spread the Gospel of Jesus. I have been praying for God to lead me to a place for me to be used. I am working my hardest in a few different ways to raise money for this once in a lifetime trip. 
 All financial support will be directly deposited into my AYC account for use towards trip expenses. I’m extremely excited to be part of something much bigger and be able to make an impact to this hurting world. I would truly appreciate any kind of support whether it is financial or your prayers for a safe, and meaningful trip. Thank you for all your support!