Young adult
Apostolic Youth Corps
Fund this campaign
hello everyone I’m Victoria Prieto . I’m 16 and preparing for a missions trip. Although my journey, love, and calling for missions did not start at 16 . Instead it all started at a kids camp when I was only 12 years old. it was at the last night service when I was profised over that my would ministry would be in missions. As a 12 year old girl had no clue what this meant or the challenges that I would face very soon after this calling was given to me however I did know that no matter what I did I was going to choose to serve the Lord and make decisions that would lead me too my next step in ministry. so when I was 15 I signed up for an AYC trip and went to Washington D.C I had no clue the effect that is would have on me or the love for kids ministry that would start to water the seed that was planted 3 year prier to this trip . So when it was time to pray about another ayc trip I knew right away that I had to go and there were two places that stood out to me one of which was the Samoan islands. So I prayed about it talked to my parents and within that week ayc released this serve statement for the Samoan islands “We are very excited about our local SERVE opportunity that each one of you will have the privilege of participating in! We are planning a trip to the local victim’s society where you have the opportunity to minister to young children who have been physically, mentally, and emotionally abused. These precious young people are in great need of love! Can you be the person to love them and remind them of the healing power of Jesus Christ?” When I read this serve statement I knew right away that this was indeed the trip for me , all of the praying and fasting lead me to my mission. one thing I ask for is help, I need some prayer warriors on my side I would like prayer to be a witness, have discernment, and to have courage . In other words I need prayer to help me have an acts chpt. One attitude to create an acts chpt. With that being said my ayc trip is not cheap and as hard as I am working to make the deadlines for this trip I need help, so please help me reach my goal to raise $3950 for my ayc trip!