Samantha Heilman for Associates in Missions

Started On
Target Goal $10,000
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $1,404.33
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Associates in Missions

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Wow, where do I begin?

The date was June 7, 2013 when the Lord opened my eyes.  I went on my first AYC trip to Kenya, Africa and as cliche as it may sound, my life was changed.  There was a pivot in my walk with God and I never looked at people the same.  I began seeing individuals as souls and not bodies.  It was then that a burden for people I’ve never met and places I’ve never been grew inside of me.

3 years later, on June 4, 2016 God saw fit to allow me to go on a Next Steps trip to Costa Rica.  I was given to opportunity to use my talents for the Lord, and paint the name of two churches there.  And boy, did my love for missions grow stronger and stronger!  Latin America now holds a huge place in my heart.

Fast-forward a few more years… I don’t know exactly where the Lord is leading me, but what I do know is something rises up in me everytime I hear a visiting missionary or attend a missions-focused service.  It’s a burden to GO, so I’m simply preparing now.  Thank you in advance for your prayers + support!

Dios le bendiga!

Samantha Heilman 🙂


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