Mia French for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,300
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $155.79
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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Hello, my name is Mia and I have recently accepted a call to Missions. In 2018 I was blessed to be able to participate in an AYC mission trip to Bangladesh and it was life-changing.  I am scheduled to embark on another AYC adventure in July 2022 to Namibia. I am super excited to see and experience all God has planned for this time abroad. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this cause. And if you are unable to contribute financially, prayers are always needed and appreciated. I pray you are blessed by your giving.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”   – Isaiah 6:8

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