Young adult
Apostolic Youth Corps
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I’m so excited to announce my acceptance to go on a mission trip to Rwanda, Africa. It will be May 31 – June 10 ALSO! YESS! I’ll be turning 23 while I’m in Africa. How cool is that?
I’m really excited to go and I know I wasn’t accepted for just any reason. There’s work to be done and I want to help! While I’m there I get to aid at the school (my heart is for these children). I get the opportunity to rebuild desks, plant a garden, paint the school, and hopefully serve anywhere else in the community I can.
This community has been through a lot. Less than 30 years ago they had a mass genocide, they killed almost 1 million people. These people need love, they need to know Jesus and I’m going to have the opportunity to be a light when I’m there.
I’m so excited to be a part of what God is doing in Africa! Anything you can donate will help tremendously. If you can’t, your prayers mean just as much if not more! If you have any questions feel free to reach out at 405-535-3700