Makayla Vantrease for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,000
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $0.00
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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Hey, My name is Makayla Vantrease im 21 years old from Joplin Missouri i currently attend LifePoint Pentecostal, Pastor Fred Oates. When i was 19 God had called me to be missionary during an alter call on a sunday morning, and for about a year i kinda pushed it off to the side because it was way out of my comfort zone and i was scared. During NAYC 2019 God called me again to missions and while at NAYC I prayed over all the AYC trips and i asked God that if this is really something he wants me to do i asked that he place a country on my heart to go and on the lastnight of NAYC God called me to Vietnam, ill be leaveing in July 2020 and ill be gone for 10 days. These ten days will be filled with ministry, street evangelism, new people, new places, and life-changing experiences. The donations made to this account will be put towards the overall cost of my trip. I’m also asking for everyone to please keep this trip in your prayers. I promise to keep everyone updated.Thank you 🙂

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