Julie Gitau for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $3,500
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $200
Funds Remaining $863.80
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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This past year has been a year of growth. God has opened and closed doors in my life, and from that I have learned to be a willing vessel in faith. In every season God has a plan. This year I learned one big lesson which broke me to my knees and built me into the person I am. I learned the true meaning of sacrifice. Just like in the book of Genesis it talks about the man named Abraham; he was a faithful man. Abraham and Sarah waited for so long to have a son; and when the promise was unfolded, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Which he did; being a faithful man. As Abraham and Isaac were making their way up to Mount Moriah, he was in pain and didn’t understand. But he didn’t allow that to hinder what God asked of him. Instead, he was willing to sacrifice his son for the greater calling. But God saw his faithful heart and delivered a lamb for Abraham to offer as a sacrifice. As I walk in my own Mount Moriah, I don’t understand what God has planned for my life; but I am being faithful through it all. I won’t allow my Abraham season to hinder me from the greater call, but instead just like Abraham I will walk in faith and trust God. I’m laying down my plans for His greater purpose; not my will but thy will. My big step this year is going on a missions trip to Uruguay! I am excited and I know God is going to do great things. This means I will need to financially sacrifice, meaning less Starbucks, more homemade food, and no shopping. I would greatly appreciate any help from my friends and family; from money, packing advise, and also prayers. I’m going with the expectation that great things are going to happen on this trip, but also through the planning season. IN URUGUAY AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

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