Clifford Masambuka for Youth on Missions

Started On
Target Goal $1,500
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $0.00
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Youth on Missions

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This is Evangelist Clifford Masambuka from Malawi in Africa. I’m also a Founder of Book Of Life (BOL) a non profit registered church and ministry which is dedicated on spreading the Living Gospel of Christ. It is also a rapidly growing preaching Ministry in rural communities.

However, you may not aware that Book Of Life (BOL) wants to train Young people in Child and Youth Evangelism in rural communities but BOL is in desperate need of financial support for Child and Youth Evangelism Training so that we can train many Young People in Evangelism programs and reaching out many young people in rural communities with the Living Gospel of Christ especially in hard to reach areas where many people are not reached with the Living Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive Him as their personal Saviour. We shall start this Youth Evangelism Trainings in August if funds available. The estimated cost of these Trainings is $1500.


Our Goal is to raise these funds for sorely used for Youth Evangelism Trainings in Zomba, Blantyre and Machinga Districts. Your generous donation helps us to reach out many young people with Evangelism programme and receive Jesus.


May grace, peace and love from our Almighty God be with You and your family both now and forever and ever. Amen


In gratitude,

Clifford Masambuka

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