Cassidy Spears for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,800
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $4600
Funds Remaining $201.28
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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My name is Cassidy Spears, I am 19 years old college student from Louisiana. I am a first generation apostolic following the call placed on my life. I am trying to raise enough money to attend an AYC trip to New Zealand in 2024! New Zealand is a place where multiple nations are represented. This is an opportunity to reach different parts of the world within just one place. I understand that one person can not change the world but one person can begin the change. New Zealand offers me the opportunity to begin this change within the world!

Last year I had a chance to attend an AYC trip to Quebec City, Canada. Seeing people’s lives changed and making life long friends along the way changed me forever. I was also able to see the works be fulfilled when we received news that a lady that attended one of our concerts, received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus Name. She is not a member of the church in Quebec City, Canada. It was also on this trip that I received confirmation that I was called to the mission field.

The people of New Zealand cry Haere Mai – come here, welcome.


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