Brittany McNeely for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,800
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $5845
Funds Remaining $7.00
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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I am raising money for a missions trip to New Zealand in July of 2024. I have been praying a lot over the past year of what my next step in life needs to be and that God pushes me to do something I wouldn’t usually do. As I kept praying this prayer, God put it on my heart to go on a missions trip. I have a couple friends who said they were going to New Zealand and I prayed on it some more. I feel Gods approval on my decision and now I am doing everything I can to raise money for this trip. I need $4,800 total to cover the cost of the trip. This money will not be used for personal expenses before, during, or after the trip. All funds raised will be going towards the trip. Thank you in advance to those who donate!

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