Blayre Clickner for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,750
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $2050
Funds Remaining $0.00
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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Hello there! My name is Blayre Clickner, and I am so excited to say that God has called me to the country, Madagascar to serve and fulfill the call to “go into all the world.” We will be doing a handful of compassion services, such as visiting orphanages, providing supplies to villages in need, assisting in facility improvement, as well as declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not received Him yet. While on our trip, we will be using our musical and teaching talents to lead church services. We will also be coordinating youth and children’s events. I have been working hard, and saving my own money for this trip, but I do need help from those willing to give. I need a minimum of $4,750 to go on this trip. I really encourage you to give whatever you can to help support both myself and the people of Madagascar.

By giving, whether that is financially or by prayer, YOU are making an impact. Thank you for taking the time to consider contributing towards my missions trip this upcoming summer. I cannot wait to see how God moves in the amazing country of Madagascar.

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