Apryl Canales for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $4,900
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $4900
Funds Remaining $25.00
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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Hey Iā€™m Apryl, and Iā€™m 17 years old.

Iā€™m trying to reach my final payment of $1,225 by April 15th. This is a self funded trip, and any donations will go directly toward the cost of the trip. None of this money will be used for spending, just direct payments.

I have been praying about these trips and have felt called to go to and serve in Rwanda. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to go and minister to the kids and youth of Rwanda. I am very excited for what God is going to do in this amazing trip.

Thank you for your support šŸ˜šŸ‘

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