Alana Douglas for Apostolic Youth Corps

Started On
Target Goal $1,500
Total Raised
This includes interest earned.
Funds Used $0
Funds Remaining $1,146.64
Campaign Type
Young adult
Mission Endeavor
Apostolic Youth Corps

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My name is Alana Douglas. I live in Virginia Beach, VA where my dad is the Pastor of New Life Tabernacle. I am a sophomore in High School and will be turning 16 in May. I am super excited to be eligible to go on my first missions trip with the Apostolic Youth Corps, a Youth Ministries program of the United Pentecostal Church International.

Attending a missions trip has been a dream of mine for a very long time! I love my faith and I love sharing it with others. I sincerely hope that this will be the first of many AYC trips. My first AYC trip will be taking me to Seattle, WA in July 2020. In addition to missions, I also love to travel! Though I have been privileged to visit a lot of beautiful places in the USA with my family, I have never been to Seattle. I am really looking forward to having the amazing opportunity to visit this beautiful part of my country while also assisting Pastor Travis & Sister Rebecca Miller in the work they are doing in Seattle. It’s truly the best of both worlds! I can’t wait to help with outreach efforts, talking to people that need Jesus, helping in the community, and praying for those in need!

The length of my trip to Washington is 8 days. As you can imagine, this trip is not without significant expense. Therefore, I would be grateful to you, my family and friends, for any financial assistance you may be able to offer which would go toward helping me attend this trip and in making an eternal difference in Seattle, WA. Thank you!

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